Why felted? I reveled in this as a name. The first time I saw the word it came with the meaning  ‘cobbled together’. I wanted to thread an accumulation of photos, writing, and thoughts that were pinging together in my head. A surge of emotional residue was also being stirred up, so I liked that the word felt was in there somewhere. The COVID shutdown had a lot to do with getting this book together and I realize, although a loose track to follow, mortality lurks in the arc of the information.  

        I admire people that keep organized records of their lives—journal keepers. I’ve kept trailing remnants—reflective souvenirs that migrated from negatives, notebooks, notes, and now computers. This is some of that along with the memory of an aging mind. Like gravity to matter; always present yet almost nonexistent until it shows itself. I’m surprised to find what resurfaces and the relevance of things observed from a timely distance.  

     Observations are made and a curiosity about what makes us is indulged. Factual information about the physics of our universe, writing, and photography make up the content—a little like shuffling three decks of cards together. I’m hoping to create an environment that invites people to think about their own stories and what is happening to our world. The structure of the universe is beyond political or ideological bias. Is our behavior inherent in the structure that creates us?